The project Intelligent personalization and flexibility systems to improve the quality of Virtual Higher Education in Latin America (YACHAY) aims to create and test an intelligent system of profiles and portable portfolios for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), which facilitate the implementation of the 21st century educational requirements of flexibility, personalization, credentialing, and inclusion; in synergy with the business network.
Among the actions to be carried out, the creation of guidelines and virtual courses aimed at teaching staff on content generation are added to facilitate the definition of customizable learning routes; the promotion of the flexibility of university curricula, facilitating the empowerment of students in the design of careers adapted to their needs and preferences in synergy with the business sector,
through a system of recommending learning routes, which implies greater democratization of Education; and the establishment of a unified credentialing system, managed through blockchain technology, promoting the interoperability of both university and professional or company credentials.
Partner Universities
Project Coordinators
Participating partners
The consortium formed to carry out the YachaY project is made up of two European universities, the National University of Distance Education (UNED) and the New University of Lisbon (UNL); and six from Latin America, two from Mexico, the University of Guadalajara (UDG) and the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), two from Peru, the Continental University (UC) and the National University of Central Peru (UNCP), and two from Argentinas, the National University of San Martín (UNSAM) and the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP).
This formation of partners has an innovative value since it implies collaboration between teaching professionals, researchers and managers of various disciplinary fields with research and projects developed; unites the efforts of universities that, despite their similarities, have diversity of management systems, students and culture in their university community, so that the results that come from the project have a better probability of having an ecological validity applicable to other Latin American contexts.
Likewise, cooperating entities from the business sector, civil society and public administration participate: the Sidar Foundation – Universal Access, the National Industry Society – Junín Regional Headquarters, Kipu Llaxta Psycho-Inclusive Association, Yachapanacuy TEC, Educational services, promotion and support rural – SEPAR, Fundación Creática Free and the Common Space for Higher Education Online for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECESELI); but the project invites the participation of all those who want to join to achieve the objective of improving the quality of university education by offering a truly inclusive and customizable education.