
Logo Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú

The UNCP was founded in 1959 after the arduous efforts of 36 peasant communities in our region.

In this way, the UNCP is a promoter of educational decentralization, managing to found and organize branches that now constitute universities with their own prestige, such as the National University “Hermilio Valdizán” in Huánuco, “Daniel Alcides Carrión” in Cerro de Pasco, “José Faustino Sánchez Carrión” in Huacho and “Federico Villarreal” in the city of Lima. The UNCP, faithful to its guiding and pioneering ideas in academic, cultural, scientific and technological work; It contributes to the comprehensive development of the central region, positioning itself as one of the main universities in the country, with its 22 faculties at the main headquarters and the headquarters in the provinces of Satipo, Junín and Tarma with their respective faculties and academic-professional schools; a Graduate School with a large number of master’s degrees and their respective mentions, in addition to 7 doctorates.

Currently, our institution, a leader in professional training, is an academic guarantee for studious youth, providing professional training opportunities in the various fields of human knowledge, under educational paradigms that have been marking, in more than four decades of existence. , the vanguard of modernity and scientific development.


Jesús Ulloa Ninahuaman

E-mail: julloa@uncp.edu.pe