UNED, founded in 1972, is the only state university and the largest university in Spain, with more than 260,000 students, it has an educational offer that covers 26 Bachelor’s degrees in various disciplines, 43 master’s degrees, more than 600 Continuing Training programs, 12 language courses, more than a hundred Summer Courses and almost 400 University Extension activities.
More than 10,000 people strive to support students’ progress towards their educational goal every day. UNED is not a virtual university, but an academic institution that has integrated new technologies with traditional methods, with the aim of achieving quality teaching.
It began covering population centers far from the large metropolises, which did not have universities, through the creation of regional centers and continued its expansion internationally by entering Latin America, becoming leader of the AIESAD (Ibero-American Association of Higher Education from distance). The aDeNu research group (Dynamic Adaptation of online Education systems based on User modeling), from the Department of Artificial Intelligence, recognized as a consolidated research group of the UNED (Ref.: GI46, AAA rating) will directly participate in RUMBO 4.0.
Founded in 2002, it has specialized in the development of adaptive interfaces through the Internet so that the learning services offered are adapted to the needs of people and especially those with functional diversity (i.e. accessibility), in a context where The concepts of design for all and personalization of the user experience are complementary applied, also taking into account psychoeducational and emotional aspects.
It is a multidisciplinary group that has computer experts, psychologists and communicators, who have participated in more than 20 research projects.