
Logo Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata

The National University of Mar del Plata is located in the city of the same name in the southeast of the Province of Buenos Aires. It is part of the system of autonomous, self-sufficient and co-governed national universities in the context of public, free higher education with unrestricted admission according to the current legal framework (National Education Law).

The Participatory Strategic Plan 2030 aims to improve coordination and synergy between other universities and companies, while reviewing and updating curricular designs and teaching and management practices. Two of the axes of action coincide with the objectives of this project: the virtualization and internationalization of higher education.

The inclusion of students with disabilities, migrants or belonging to other vulnerable groups is one of the missions of the Disability and Equalization of Opportunities Program. The reformulation of the mission and vision of the Institutional Distance Education System aims at virtualization and internationalization based on academic accessibility (facilitating entry, permanence and graduation within a reasonable period of time for any student, regardless of their biophysical or social condition. ). It has around 1,800 researchers and fellows involved in 450 research groups distributed in 11 institutes and 16 research centers.

‘In the connection with the environment, extension projects, artistic groups (choir, orchestra and theater), media (digital content production center, television channel, radio station, publishing house and newspaper) and an incubator of microenterprises (with technical assistance and business development in agreement with local business chambers) and socio-community internships for all undergraduate students.


Natalia C. Poleggio

E-mail: vicerect@mdp.edu.ar