The Continental University was born in the city of Huancayo on June 30, 1998, as a private institution.
The Continental Educational Corporation, Promoter of the Continental University, in compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions established by Law No. 26439 and by the National Council for the Authorization of the Operation of Universities (CONAFU) presented the justification of the University project, the mission and institutional commitment, as well as the By Resolution No. 429 – 98 – CONAFU, of June 30, 1998, the University began its academic, social projection, research and university extension work. After approximately four years of operation, it managed its adaptation to the Law for the Promotion of Investment in Education, DL 882, and CONAFU, in compliance with article 13 of its General Regulations, issued Resolution No. 176 – 2002 – CONAFU approving the adaptation to D. L. 882ASDFASFAF, we currently have the Institutional Licensing with Resolution No. 094-2018-SUNEDU/CD.
The Continental University to date has an average of 25 university majors, serving an average of 22,000 students per academic semester. To date we have 4,600 graduates and the employability rate is 82%. The Office that develops Employability activities at the University is the Job Opportunities Office. Among the activities carried out in said office are: Employability Workshops, Soft Skills Workshops, Online Job Exchanges, On-site and Virtual Job Fairs, Job Interview Simulator and there is a Graduate Follow-up System.
The Graduate Monitoring System has been operating under the methodology of the Columbus Association and the Gradua2 Network.